Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Is the Beginning


Earlier this spring a co-worker and I went to a closet sale where Co-worker bought a necklace. The host of the closet sale pulled Co-worker aside and told her about the necklace she purchased:

A friend had given it to her and said she was to only wear it once. Host wore it to a fundraiser gala for breast cancer, of which disease Friend was fighting. Host kept her promise and wore the necklace only once, so she was now passing it on. Friend has since lost the fight.

I don't know what made me think of this the other day but I did. I was thinking of the three women who had already had possesion of the necklace. I thought about their different stories and different lives, all connected by one small, really insignificant thing.

Here are the main things I know about each woman:
Friend- Died from breast cancer
Host- Works at a parks and recreation department, and sold enough clothes from her closet (to benefit the National Ability Center) to fill a small boutique.
Co-worker- Runner and cyclist, she's in love but won't admit it.


So I've decided to start my own necklace, five actually. I'm going to give a necklace to five different women, who I will introduce to you in subsequest posts. My goal is to have them tell me about their experience while wearing the necklace. Whether they went on a date with their husband, maybe something embarassing happened to them at work, or they just managed to keep their kids from killing each other that day. After they've worn the necklace then they'll pass it off to another women, introduce us to her, and so on...

I'm excited to first see if women are interested in even participating in my experiment, but I'm more excited to read about the women who wear each of the necklaces and what happens to them.
Is this a good idea, bad idea? Let me know. You can post here or email

Who knows, you could just be a reader, but maybe you'll end up participating too.

P.S. I'll try to post everyday so check back often.

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